Artist name and location?
Dbreathe + live between Chelsea,London and Ireland.
Introduce yourself in one paragraph:
I’m Dbreathe, DJ, Producer, Musician enthusiastic of many genres of music but have always been drawn to the beat and the rave and fashion obsessed.
Were you connected with music from a young age, or anyone in particular inspired you?
Always obsessed with music, a big vinyl collector from a young age and learnt the guitar, bass, keyboard as soon as I could and then hit the acid house scene and was blown away with the sampling and mixing.
What first kickstarted your musical career?
Joined a few bands at college, and all my friends were big into music and fashion so it all fit together, then got into the rave scene and DJ-ing opportunities and remixing followed.
Tell us more about your sound and how it has evolved.
Started with more experimental stuff, mixing analogue with more modern techniques and samples and now returning back to the sound of the rave. The 90s sound is so back.
Any words you want to share to encourage other artists and producers?
Keep going, try everything, if it takes 1000 tracks and attempts to find 1 cool one then just do it. And don’t be afraid and discouraged by others, if you love it someone else will too. You just go to find them.
Networking, consistency, character, approach… what and how do you initiate your Industry relationships?
In my experience everyone in the industry is friendly, encouraging and interested. Talking about music and tastes and records is a great leveller. And be nice to people.
Is there anyone specific you’d like to thank that has helped you evolve and why?
Mainly my wife Kerrie who kept pushing me to get back after a few years in the dark. Sometimes you just need the right person to say the right thing at the right time.
Name 3 albums or labels that have inspired you the most.
Wow, so hard I have a substantive eclectic record collection in my studio. But if I was pushed, the label would have to be Factory Records, so much great and imaginative output and the attitude of the music is the most important thing, nothing else matters.
Albums, ha, hard to name 3 but if pushed
Joy Division – Unknown Pleasure
Chemical Brothers – Exit Planet Dust
The Stone Roses – The Stone Roses
What’s your favourite piece of studio equipment or software?
It has to be the original 303 + 808 machines, mix these with modern sampling and much of the great software out there and you get great sounds.
Name your favourite club or festival in the world, and how does it make you feel?
Club – Long gone, but The Hacienda, Manchester – when you walked in your life changed, the vibe, the sound was intense.
Name an outlandish rider request?
Ha, I am too polite to ask for anything too crazy, just like a few beers!!
Favourite clubbing memory, who or what did it involve?
Yes, as mentioned earlier the mood and love in the air at The Hacienda, with all your mates was something to behold, it was spiritual.
What quote represents you best?
Dbreathe is very focused and driven.
If you could play any venue, where would it be and why?
Would love to go and play The Hacienda one more time, alas long gone. But for now I would like to do Burning Man, that is a crazy beautiful place.
Music is….. (explain more)
We call it work but it’s not, it is a wonderful way to spend your life.
One song you really couldn’t live without?
Life is Sweet – Chemical Brothers
Name drop your favourite tunes, artists or DJs (past or present)
Presently I am really into Solardo, Eli Brown + Wh0. Doing some really good stuff both themselves and on their labels.
What was your first music opportunity and how did it fuel your fire?
Picking up a guitar at college and jumping on stage with a Punk band. I was sold….
Tell us more about your plans for the future.
We have a crazy 2022 coming up after a quiet couple of years, residencies in Dubai in February and September and then spending the summer in Ibiza, Malaga and Marbella. So most of the year will be travelling and in the sun. And my radio show on Global every Friday night “The Friday Sessions” is doing some summer roadshows so we will get to do it to a live crowd. And a lot of festivals lined up.
Any worldly advice you’d like to share?
You gotta Keep On Keepin’ On
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