Craig Oram’s latest single is certain to get you on your feet and grooving along instantly ‘Guaranteed’
Words: Mike Mode
September 29, 2023

From the prolific producer that brought us the March 2023 debut anthem ‘Stabby With Knives,’ Craig Oram is back with his second single of the year entitled ‘Guaranteed,’ – a thumping, enigmatic dance anthem that is idyllically suited to soundtrack the elite clubs of Europe. Craig was divinely inspired to write this track after working in Israel where he was engrossed by the emergence of the indie dance wave.

He was surrounded by the enchanting sound of artists in Haifa and Telaviv whom he plucked elements of his sound from, fused with his own personal interest in minimal and psychedelic trance style basslines, to then create ‘Guaranteed.’ Ensuring to highlight the ‘power and groove’ behind his inspirations, Craig spent a couple nights a week working on ‘Guaranteed,’ from his laptop before finalising the mix and refining the production in his home studio. With a dream of bringing a new energy to the dancefloors and festivals, Craig Oram is ‘guaranteed,’ to etch his mark in the electronic scene with this emphatic track.

Hailing from the thriving hub of  ScotlandCraig Oram is an independent music producer and DJ who crafts an electrifying blend of genres with each and every release he produces. Infusing potent, groovy basslines with elements of indie dance, minimalism, and psychedelic undertones, his music is a captivating journey that beckons you to move. With over a decade of experience partying on dance floors and festival campsites, Craig has honed his rich musical palette for the finest underground tunes, a passion that led him to delve into music production using Ableton Live.

His dedication has been unwavering, as he immersed himself in the art of production like never before. One of his defining moments was an invitation to perform at England’s Beathearder festival. This opportunity arose after Craig and his friend Mitchell Watson spearheaded an unforgettable after-party in the festival’s campsite, which quickly gained widespread attention. With an insatiable appetite for sonic exploration and a knack for creating immersive soundscapes, Craig Oram is a name to watch in the ever-evolving world of music.

Released late last month on August 26, Craig Oram’s latest single is a thumping enigmatic anthem that you could certainly say is, ‘Guaranteed’ to get you up and grooving on the dance floor.

Craig Oram – Guaranteed

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Introduce yourself to the Electric Mode audience

I am a 28 year old Scottish lad, Armed with a relentless passion for electronic music, from dancing at festivals and dancefloors all over the globe, I just realised I’d love to be the guy in the DJ desk playing my own tunes, just for once.

Explain what musical genre fits you best

Its difficult to put your finger on it these days. However, Id say its Indie Dance/ Progressive Minimal

Were you connected with music from a young age and did anyone inspire you?

I started learning the guitar at a young age.  I didnt really know what I was looking for in music, until I started hearing some techno tunes and educating myself I then started to really hone in on what kind of tunes Id been searching for.

The pure passion and drive to learn and understand Ableton continually inspires me to create new music.

What kickstarted your music career?

Just downloading Ableton nearly 10 years ago and studied and learned how to achieve the sounds I crave and finally realising I can actually do this.

Being part of the Campsite Kings duo has for sure kicked things into motion for accessing gigs – Known UK wide for throwing the best festival campsite parties. One of these parties resulted in the duo being invited back to the festival to play on a stage, giving birth to the stage name Campsite Kings

Tell us more about your sound and how its evolved over time

I am an experienced producer crafting cutting-edge, versatile psychedelic inspired techno and indie dance beats.

Any words you want to share to encourage other artists or producers?

Just have fun – even if its only you dancing to your own tunes at random times in the morning once you finally get that moment things start to come together in your production. Its worth it.

How do you nurture your industry relationships?

I am still in the process of trying to expand my relationships however Im sure any relationship I happen to have would be respectful and exciting.

Is there anyone youd like to thank thats been crucial to your journey?

Just my closest friends and my brothers – they have always been there to give honest opinions and wise words when needed.

I have attended several courses at Subsine studios in Glasgow – definitely learned a wealth of knowledge and confidence there in my own abilities.

Whats your favourite piece of studio equipment or software?

To be honest I dont use a lot of hardware, I have just bought a guitar and I do have a TB 03 for playing around with, but the most important for me is to have good monitors. The Adams A8H sound fantastic.

Name your favourite club or festival and how it makes you feel

Favourite club is likely Printworks in London the lights the sound the tunes (on your preferred night) are amazing.

I am more of a festival guy, I love the freedom and the energy and the love everyone shares.

My favourite festival experiences have been Origin (SA) Ozora, Boom, Noisily (UK), Beatherder (Uk)

Partying in Amsterdam, Berlin, Miami, London and many more has also been amazing, some of the production is insane to be around.

Name an outlandish rider request?

Im happy with no Rider – as long as I am with the people I love – the opportunity to play my music is all I need.

Favourite clubbing memory and who or what did it involve?

Timewarp Mannheim or Mediahaven Amsterdam perhaps – However my favorite memory to date was for sure the afterparty my best mate Mitchell Watson and I hosted from 12 to 4am on the Sunday of Beatherder festival after managing to sneak in 2 soundboks speakers and Xdj rx2s, it was bananas.

If you could play at any venue, where would it be and why?

Green Valley Brazil – it seems all the kinda funky stinky tunes from Djs I want to hear are found there.

Music is….. (explain more)

Music is Life, its a connection to every being. It is Euphoric, calming, inspiring. It can completely change your mood and outcome of your day just from one tune. To me creating music is self-care and revitalizing and what I love to do most.

One song you really couldnt live without and why?

Mooh – Magical Ornaments

The bassline and groove I just love. Its produced crystal clear and I feel if anyone was to hear that in a club or festival it would no doubt impress.

Namedrop your favourite 5 artists or DJs (past or present)

Mooh (Egypt), Lu40, Shagy (IL),

Cannot forget My friends and brother (Mitchell Watson, Aslan Taylor, &  Cameron Oram)

What was your first music memory and how did it fuel your fire?

Starting my festival experiences at Rockness in Scotland and partying in the campsite – just made me realise that tunes and laughter is all were after

Tell us more about your plans for the future

Focus on building my social media platforms and networking for more gigs.

Release more music either Via Gig Mit or hopefully via a label

Any worldly advice youd like to share?

Its nice to be nice, manners cost nothing.

Support Craig Oram on Social Media Instagram

Listen to more of Craig Oram Spotify | Apple Music
