Cynthia Lacle – Behind The Scenes Of ‘No Good Remix’ – Interview
Words: Mike Mode
May 29, 2024

In this insightful interview, DJ/Producer Cynthia Laclé shares a glimpse into the creative process behind her latest remix of ‘No Good’. From her initial inspiration to the challenges she faced and the techniques she employed, Cynthia offers valuable insights into her approach to remixing tracks and staying true to her signature sound. With a focus on maintaining the essence of the original while infusing her own style, Cynthia’s passion for music shines through, as she discusses her dedication to delivering high-quality productions and her excitement for future projects.

Hey Cynthia Laclé, how’s it going?

Hi guys, all good here and you?

All good, thanks! Can you tell us about the creative process behind your new remix?
Sure, this track came on my favourite radio, SLAM FM, and I have noticed that this track wasn’t remade for quit some time. And its just such a classic epic track that I thought this is a cool one to make an own version off. So then you start working on it, and let your creativity flow. 

Were there any specific elements of the original track that you wanted to highlight or focus on in your remix?

Yes, I really love the original melody and the vocals of the track. I wanted to keep that part because everybody knows the lyrics and the melody. Is an epic classic track.

How do you ensure you stay true to the original while also incorporating your own signature style and sound when remixing a track?

By picking specific parts of the track. I didn’t want to loose the original vibe from the track. It’s because with artists like these that inspired so many generations, it’s an honour to have such great artists as guidelines.

What did you struggle with most with this remix? Was there a specific element that took longer to create?

The biggest struggle was the vocals. To get them in the best quality possible.

How do you hope listeners react to this new track?

I hope they like it though, but that is always the question, though.

Can you walk us through your process when it came to creating the integral elements of the production? How did you approach producing the pounding beat and punchy synth parts?

Even though its a massive track already, I did want to make something that people would recognise that it is a Cynthia track. I wanted to make sure that the energy and vibe is high in it, like I always do. So, I added the screech sounds in it, and the bass. The synth makes the drop a bit dramatic like how I usually make my breaks, but in the second drop it fires again when all the sounds are combined. Of course when it comes to the kick I am very selective, it still is the most important sound for me. It sets the tone and vibe for my track and inspiration.

When it comes to your workflow, how does your approach differ when you are producing originals compared to remixes?

My workflow doesn’t change if it’s a remix or original track. There is still the same amount of work that you put in it. The only thing that might go a bit faster is the melody, because it’s already there, but still you want to make it ‘your own’ sound/track so that requires also time and creativity.

Did you experiment with any new techniques, or did you craft any elements differently during the production of this remix?

No, not specific in this one. I did make some new stuff with my new track that comes out later. But with this remix it wasn’t necessary.

What can we expect from you in terms of future remixes or original productions?

There will be so much more production coming. Originals, as well as remixes. Remixes are fun to make, and its even more epic when the original artist replies to it. It’s a massive honour. Own productions are just fun to do, you can put any emotion or vibe to it. Basically, you’re telling a story about who you are, or something that you have experienced in life that you would like to share. Stay tuned guys!

Closing this interview, we thank Cynthia Laclé for her time and for our conversation that provides glimpse into the intricate production process behind her latest remix of ‘No Good’. From drawing inspiration to overcoming challenges and infusing her signature style, Cynthia’s passion for music shines through, and with a commitment to delivering high-quality productions and a promise of exciting projects on the horizon, Cynthia leaves listeners eagerly anticipating what’s next in her musical journey, so make sure to follow her across social media to remain updated on her latest releases and projects.

Listen to ‘No Good Remix’ now: 


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