Jacob Colon – Made To Move Radio Update + Exclusive Interview
Words: Mike Mode
June 13, 2024

Jacob Colon’s ‘Made To Move’ radio show continues to captivate fans around the globe, drawing in listeners as it keeps showcasing Jacob Colon’s impressive abilities and unique tastes when it comes to curating high-quality, vibrant-sounding mixes. So, today, we’re looking forward to being joined by Jacob Colon as he shares updates about the show, giving us a glimpse into what we can expect to hear next within the upcoming episodes of ‘Made To Move’.

Hi Jacob! How have you been?

Everything is great. I’m really happy about how things are flowing. My radio program is doing well and gaining more syndications every week.

Can you share the inspiration behind the inception of ‘Made To Move’ and how that

vision has evolved with the recent episodes of the radio show?

The radio program was initially going to just be a monthly mix of my favorite tracks that I’ve been listening to during that month. Aside from the guest mixes I do from time to time, this would be something more consistent that my fans can listen to every month. This had some drawbacks though as something like this couldn’t be broadcasted anywhere outside specific platforms like Mixcloud and SoundCloud, and it wouldn’t really give much personality.

As I looked into it further and researched other music outlets, I decided to recreate the idea into a radio show which has served me well so far. This decision has not only helped me build my music library with weekly new tracks but also helps to promote other Producers with great music. ‘Made to Move’ was a small idea that has grown into a weekly show, broadcasted around the world and I’m very grateful for the entire experience.

With online radio constantly changing, what are some of the changes or new ideas you’ve implemented into ‘Made To Move,’ and how do you think these changes will amplify the listener’s experience?

‘Made to Move’ radio show is a program that plays a variety of different Dance genres. We air Latin House, Tech House, Afro House, Deep House and Minimal House. This blend of music creates a dynamic experience for our fans which is a lot more interesting than a vibe that is stagnant with only one particular style of Dance music.

‘Made To Move’ has been a staple for fans of your music. How do you balance staying true to the original content while introducing new elements to the show?

Staying true to the original content is always the root of any decision. I think it’s more about staying true to what I personally enjoy since that was the original intent for this project. When you mention new elements, I think that comes more with the type of music the next generation or current generation of Producers are making. Like everything else, music evolving and changing is inevitable, but if I enjoy it then that’s all that matters when considering what music to air on the show.

Can you walk us through the process of selecting music for ‘Made To Move’? Are there any changes you’ve implemented since you started curating the mixes for the show?

When I’m going through music, I don’t listen to the entire song at first. I’ll skip through to the section of the intro when the bass hits or when the drop happens. The first thing I listen to is how the drums and bass are moving together. This is the focal point of all the music I play. I consider beats that have more than a standard four to four rhythm and also pay attention to how deep the bass is in relation to the drums. It happens so quick when I listen, I don’t think about it. My brain just considers these factors when the songs start playing.

Engaging with listeners is important for online radio, what new actions are you taking to engage with the listeners of ‘Made To Move’?  Is there any feedback you’d like to share?

Though I receive a lot of my music through promos, I’ve been able to get some requests through platforms like Twitter by hashtagging madetomove and posting a streaming link like Spotify, SoundCloud, Beatport, etc for listeners to show me a particular song they want to suggest for the show. I’m looking to incorporate this concept to Threads soon as well.

Check out all episodes of ‘Made To Move’ here:

Technology plays a significant role in how radio shows are produced and consumed, how have technological advancements influenced changes you’ve made to ‘Made To Move’?

I’ve seen a lot of programs that help the creative side of production as far as making songs, but since my show is based on already finished tracks, I don’t use much of this type of software. There are also a couple of postproduction tools for equalizing, volume, and so forth but again those types of tools aren’t necessary for airing music. Not yet at least.

In growing with ‘Made To Move,’ were there obstacles you have faced, and how did you overcome them to ensure the show’s continued success?

The main obstacle there is when doing this type of work is creating a great vibe with quality tracks that not only sound good but sound unique to help differentiate the listeners’ experience from other shows. There is a ton of great music out there and it is very accessible, so the challenge becomes finding those gems and blending them in a way that creates a nice consistent vibe.

Radio shows often reflect the personality and passions of their hosts; how do the recent changes to ‘Made To Move’ reflect your personal growth and development as a DJ and Producer?

I feel more in tune with my productions and radio show episodes. The deeper I get into my career, the more aligned my thoughts and ideas are with what I’m doing. On a personal note, I’ve become more confident in my craft which is reflected in the growth and progress this program has made.

Looking to the future, what can listeners expect from ‘Made To Move’ in terms of the type of content or music, guest appearances/remixes, and overall direction?

‘Made to Move’ is an experience that focuses on the groove of music. To me, this is the heart of any song with or without vocals. In other genres, some Artists will drop remixes of their songs with the same beat but with more Artists. This shows you that as long as your beat or groove of the track is hitting then the rest of it will fall into place with any added Artist. With this, our fans can be certain the content airing on this show will have them ready to move.

With the promise to continue bringing exciting collections of tracks to his listeners each week, shining a light on music from a range of different talents, Jacob Colon’s ‘Made To Move’ will surely keep gaining traction, earning attention from more and more genre enthusiasts. So, as we conclude this interview, we thank Jacob Colon for his time and eagerly encourage you to make sure you are tuning into the next episodes of ‘Made To Move’ as Jacob Colon promises to continue delivering captivating sonic experiences.

Jacob Colon Online

Soundcloud | Instagram | Spotify 
