Electronic Duo Noise Dogma Unleash Their New Techno Single ‘Chaos Reigns’ + Artist Interview
Words: Rhys Buckham
June 26, 2024

Continuing a fine form of releases since their 2023, producer pair Noise Dogma are back with a bang bringing us their second single of 2024 ‘Chaos Reigns’ – an uptempo, pulsating club anthem boasting a thumping drum rhythm, haunting synths and a dense sonic soundscape to get lost in. Providing the perfect techno trance escape, ‘Chaos Reigns,’ perfectly encapsulates the group’s desire to ‘rethink techno, defying conventional standards.’ ‘Our inspiration often emerges from the desire to explore, venture and hopefully pioneer new sonic landscapes. It has come to life in a different way than anything we’ve done up until now, it’s electrical and magical.‘ With an extensive creative process for Noise Dogma, the duo exclusively formulated this remarkable track enriched by the guidance of their mastering engineer Robin van Grenetchen and was recorded at their home studio.  Alongside the powerhouse that is ‘Chaos Reigns,‘ Noise Dogma are also releasing another song alongside, titled ‘Devil’s Anthem,’ – a distorted, heavy and driving track that wouldn’t look out of place at some of Europe’s most elusive clubs. Matching the energy of ‘Chaos Reigns,’ ‘ Devil’s Anthem,’ truly cements the enigmatic direction that this release has taken the duo. This maxi-single marks an exciting new chapter for Noise Dogma and should certainly make its way to your playlist.

Introduce yourself and your project

Hello, we are Noise Dogma, a techno duo composed by Overdog and Drey. We recently unveiled our latest project, Chaos Reigns. Our sound is a carefully crafted blend of techno rhythms intertwined with the raw intensity of metal and punk, featuring layers of guitars and visceral screams we record ourselves. Our mission is to transcend traditional genre boundaries, offering listeners a unique and immersive experience.

Explain what musical genre fits you best

Pinning down our genre is a bit challenging, I’d say something between dark techno and techno metal. 

Were you connected with music from a young age and did anyone inspire you?

We have been friends since childhood, and our bond with music has been a constant thread throughout our lives. Initially, we started DJing and making music together just for fun, experimenting with different sounds and styles. Over time, this hobby evolved into a serious passion project.

What kickstarted your music career?

Djing was the catalyst that truly kickstarted our music career. It allowed us to explore different genres, understand the intricacies of electronic music, and develop our unique style

Tell us more about your sound and how its evolved over time

Although Chaos Reigns is only our fifth release, we’ve noticed significant growth and refinement in our sound with each new track. Initially, we were focused on blending techno with metal and punk elements in a way that felt raw and experimental. As we’ve progressed, our production skills have improved, and we’ve become more adept at creating a cohesive and polished sound. 

Any words you want to share to encourage other artists or producers?

Just do it, make something different. Dive in, experiment.

How do you nurture your industry relationships?

As avid diggers, we spend a lot of time exploring underground sounds and lesser-known artists. This not only enriches our own musical palette but also helps us connect with like-minded individuals in the industry. By playing and promoting these hidden gems in our sets, we gradually build connections based on a shared love for the unconventional.

Is there anyone youd like to thank thats been crucial to your journey?

We’d like to thank each other ahaha. Our partnership and mutual dedication have been fundamental

Name 3 songs you love and what they mean to you + Youtube links

This is techno metal: I think in some way its guiding us to be better DJs and musicians.

Get Loose: Great production. We love to play this song.

The Art of Partying: Raw music. Pure energy.

Whats your favourite piece of studio equipment or software?

We produce and record with Ableton. Also, playing with the CDJS-3000 is always nice.

Name your favourite club or festival and how it makes you feel

Fav club would be either Tresor Berlin, Smolna in Warsaw. The raw energy and underground vibe are incomparable. Also Industrial Madrid is a great club, it’s our home basically, we love to play there.

Name an outlandish rider request?

Maybe a whole bottle of jager?

Favourite clubbing memory and who or what did it involve?

The first time we played together as Noise Dogma in Madrid. 

What famous quote represents you best?

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing – Socrates. 

If you could play at any venue, where would it be and why?

Fabric London, Tresor, and Fabrik Madrid. Unreal energy in those venues. 

Music is….. (explain more)

Music is a way of living. 

One song you really couldnt live without and why?

Duality by Slipknot,  it’s an Anthem already. 

Namedrop your favourite 5 artists or DJs (past or present)

Paolo Ferrara, Lorenzo Raganzani, Tham, New Frames, The prodigy. 

What was your first music memory and how did it fuel your fire?

Going to a concert when I was young. 

Tell us more about your plans for the future

More music, bigger shows and an is EP coming soon. 

Any worldly advice youd like to share?

Just come to our shows 😉

Chaos Reigns Is Out Now

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