A deep void immediately followed when hearing the news of Sol Kara’s sudden passing last week. Scores of long term residents, his close friends and a mix of extended club connections all felt the loss and openly expressed their sadness by reaching out to his relatives, his devoted partner Annabelle and his Ibiza network and family.
No matter the circumstance, people are never prepared to hear upsetting news in any capacity, especially when it affects someone close by or involves a universal friend. Sol was known by many across the spectrum of social circles and industry folk alike. Hearing of his subsequent passing has hit even harder than expected which clearly shows the lasting impression he made on the people of Ibiza.
Today Sol Kara is laid to rest with a planned spiritual send off at San Joan’s new cemetery attended by his loved ones, friends and island family. Words from those in attendance described it as the unity of all backgrounds and beliefs with Muslims, Christians, Atheists and more coming together to pay tribute to Ibiza’s Gentleman.
The small Balearic island has always been known to harbour close relationships that seem to transcend the restrictions of time. Lives of the local community are often magnified as the seasonal changes take shape and everyone shares a close collective affinity that Ibiza is widely known for. Although this is seen as a natural exchange and progression of life, we still always feel that anyone taken early or imposed with ill health is a deeply heart rendering experience and extremely sobering. In recent years there has been a small but graceful list of key characters that have passed away but also left a long lasting effect on the people that knew them, Sol was no exception, instantly changing the extended community’s feelings and metering out memories to anywhere you could travel across the beautiful island.
Known as a music man, DJ / producer, label owner, live sound engineer, party promoter, yet first and foremost a greatly respected and well loved gentle guy. With his larger than life smile it was an obvious fact that Sol loved people and to also share his time with others, hence building such a large and extensive list of connections. His primary aim was to involve or assist people and provide in areas often overlooked within busy lifestyles. His early forays into UK festivals selflessly offered ‘chill-out cafes’ serving up free tea and an open ear to anyone needing to reach out, bringing awareness to mental health issues that were not so understood back then as they are now.
His early forays into UK festivals selflessly offered ‘chill-out cafes’ serving up free tea and an open ear to anyone needing to reach out, bringing awareness to mental health issues that were not so understood back then as they are now.
Music in our eyes is always a great connector, but so is spirituality, laughter, character and common ground. It can be said that Sol Kara held each of these assets in great abundance. He was widely regarded as one of the prominent people that fluently tied an invisible thread between so many sectors of the local scene, whilst remaining both personable and approachable. After relocating as a permanent resident many years ago, Sol took it upon himself to extend the integrity of the original island vibe, often seen sharing his advice, experiences and acquired truths of the greater world, all with a vibrant smile, hug and relaxed with cup of tea in hand, always upstanding as a poignant and welcoming figure.
Sol Kara was often referred as a pleasure to meet as his interactions were always followed by a wry laugh before proceeding into an open session on clubland reflections, global politics and unreported agenda’s before progressing onto outdoor gardening and the more naturist, ethical side of the world. This story has be repeated by many, all holding him as one of their very first Ibiza companions and maintaining a constant source of warranted advice. Sol’s engaging grin would often appear unannounced on the terrace of DC10, random cave parties, friends villa’s and notoriously into the North where he resided and loved his Las Dalias mates and the alternate offerings that side of the island served up.
Known as an avid Manchester United supporter, an outstanding curry cook and adoring Father, it was very easy to see the likeable traits so many people valued so highly. Last year Sol experienced a rapid downturn in his health that soon spiraled into a period in hospital, this sadly earmarked the not so subtle beginnings of his depleted well-being. Throughout his treatments he left no question about his aim to recover and stick two firm fingers up at the stereotype of how the plan should play out, so, it was with a unified sigh of relief his return to health began to show, albeit temporarily. His newfound vigour re-ignited his love of music, with an informal return to DJing and a deeper appreciation of life in general, whilst actively offloading anything that no longer serviced him spiritually or as a person, this is something we can all gain great value from. He soon began to formulate new plans for a positive future which was starting to finally take shape before being struck with a secondary illness.
Some people argued his original term servicing the islands nightlife primarily for underground club Sankeys as an in-house sound engineer directly knocked his initial energy levels and served as a precursor to a virus taking hold, which could potentially be attributed to the prolonged, sleepless seasons with full antisocial impacts taking a toll. It was actually at this club we very first met (during my Flying Circus residency) and we became instant allies and found it easy to find a common ground over the nights DJ sets, Sol always with his ears peeled to the tightly tuned system.
On a more personal level, Sol become a host and inadvertent counselor to many, with his open door policy at his home, offering a base to relax (chill in his own words), meet like minded people, make music or set the world to appropriate rights whilst being regaled by stories of his record collection, adventures and positive outlook including helping others and his favourite person and loved son Jiva (who remained a constant highlight and drive for his forthcoming goals). Sol was always vocal about his love for Glastonbury, his UK based family and friends, the legendary annual party’s he was actively involved and many more aspects that really can’t be published. Upholding a balanced approach to spirituality with an above average awakened approach, he preserved a full understanding of life’s ebbs and flows, with an assuring, correcting value and pride.
Today Sol Kara was laid to rest with a planned spiritual send off at the San Joan’s new cemetery attended by his closest loved ones, friends and island family. Words from those in attendance described it as the unity of all backgrounds and beliefs attended by Muslims, Christians, Atheists and more coming together to pay respects and tribute to Ibiza’s true Gentleman. The ceremony was translated in Spanish and English with verses from the Quran and recited poetry. The ceremony showed the extent and reach Sol had on this diverse community. It is very clear that he successfully brought together people from all backgrounds and walks of lives and held a charm and influence rarely afforded by others.
‘Death will come to us all eventually, so always do your best to live a life you can be proud of’
Words from the funeral that stuck with those in attendance
We hope you all take a moment to remember and celebrate a wonderful man whose spirit will ascend high above the Ibiza skies and his vibrant grin will continue to light up every continual season we share ahead.
Rest in peace and travel well our friend.