Kickstarting 2018 with a handful of helpful branding tips To make a solid mark on the industry you must first and foremost...
24/7 Mental Health Support & Service For The Music Industry
#MusicMindsMatter The #MusicMindsMatter campaign was announced in July 2017. It is HMUK's campaign to launch a mental...
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough – DJs Commit To Climbing For Charity
DJ’s Take To Mount Kilimanjaro To Raise Money For Local Special Needs Children. Ibiza / UK based charity Last Night a DJ...
Negative & Positive Attributes Of Musical Vibration / Part II
Part II - Concentration Learning A study from the University of Stirling revealed that playing quiet classical music...
UP2US Creates Utopian Community In Ibiza
Cloaked in love and abundant in high vibrations UP2US has become an instant hit in the Balearic paradise, reviving a long...
Wax Da Jam at Las Dalias – Uniting Ibiza for a Summer of Giving
The notorious Wax Da Jam opened its summer doors once again signifying a magnificent eight years running in Ibiza,...
‘Have A Drink On Us’ project from Last Night A DJ Saved My Life teams up with Melon Bomb for fundraising event
The Melon Bomb Beach Party event is planned to hit Tanit Beach, Ibiza on 18 June 2017; in collaboration with Last Night A...
International DJs Club Together To ‘House Ibiza’
Who doesn't like a little bit of Acid (Mondays) and Soul of the Deep City variety, whilst supporting a poignant Ibiza...
Health benefits of listening to music
We all love music, it can turn a rainy day into a great day in our minds whilst pumping out our favourite tunes. But how...
Best Rave Inspired Movies You Must See
There are movies for everyone and of course, there are also movies for us ravers to enjoy; maybe on a weekend you want to...
Negative and positive attributes of musical vibration
Part I - Exercise On the micro level- it’s all vibrations. Who would have thought that stimulating the ears, those tiny...
The meaning of nature through the music of objects
“Look at this ashtray. It’s a state of vibration. We’re sure of that, and the physicist can prove it to us. But we can’t hear those vibrations… It would be extremely interesting to place it in a little anechoic chamber and listen to it through a suitable sound system. Object would become process; we would discover… the meaning of nature through the music of objects.”
Headphones Vs. Speakers for your casual listening
When it comes to sound, in many circumstances it all come down to how it translates to your own ears and external...
A club without names
Everywhere, at almost every party, the event producers book notable DJs and use their names to get as many people in...
Soundtrack of our lives
We hear music every day, from stores, to waiting rooms, on the radio and TV, basically every place we find ourselves in...
Talking through dance
This is a term that should be used more often at raves. Talking through dance. I once met a friend of mine and we started a...
Lack of motivation? “Phalanx” by Recondite will bring incentive
Sometimes you need a little nudge and push along the way to move forward in life. It can be hard being at work with...
Be truthful don’t spread “Real Lies” with Bedouin featuring Discern
Everybody has been fooled once or twice; from a friend, a colleague, a family member, or a random person you just met on...